Sunday, May 24, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
The End!??

Friday, May 8, 2009
He is sanding, ever sanding....
He inserted the screening in the back side windows, no glass yet.
He has finished the refrigerator. Here is a picture of the surprise!
Are those just the cutest little handles? And hinges that match.
A picture of the refrigerator from the back doors.
And this is taken from the passenger front door.
This little "icebox" has a lid on top which opens into a stainless steel bin.
They would put ice in the top to keep the box cold. This will more than likely now be used for storage.

Bed with the legs in place.
Well, I began this post over a week ago. The program closed down and I couldn't get it to open. Then I got sick, again. Today I decided I better try to get this up, as there are now other finishes out there to be documented. The farewell date is about May 23...give or take a day.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Got Refrigerator?

Here is the back before placing the cabinet.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Actually we have to keep her fairly covered and the roof has a covering over it always. We live in the desert southwest, it IS dusty and dirty here. Right now with the temps changing the wind blows everyday. Lots of dust, lots of dust! Not to mention that the wood shop is in the third bay of the garage, and produces some dust also.

I just have to point out some details here that I find fascinating. I have to say I am very proud of my husband and the beautiful job he has done on this car. He has taken many hours to do this project, he has loved the work, it has had challenges, but he has done his best. IT IS BEAUTIFUL! Notice the details in the wood, how the sections are divided on the doors and the side panels with different wood, how they match.
He, of course, is out working tonight again. He is working on windows and varnishing the tailgate (which is an added feature, not part of the original). He worries when wood chips out, when there are runs and has a page list of things yet to finish on this car with a deadline to finish. I hope he makes it. I will be sad to see the little car go, it is fun to have her out in the garage, but she has some work yet to the very least a road trip. Stay tuned they are not done, there are still several things yet to finish, but she is looking more and more like the car she was hoping to become!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Top This!
Thursday night they had run the electical wiring. They debated how best to hide that in the ceiling of the car. Friday they decided they would use a spiral wire wrap. It does look nice and is nearly invisible, as evident in this photo.

It will have a light in the back of the camper area.

There is glass in several spots, in the front doors, the long openings along the side will have the screening and glass and the back doors will have glass. (I think that is part of Saturday's project schedule). They determined that they wanted trim around all of these windows. Here are pieces that have been cut and routered for the trim.

And the big project for today was the vinyl top! These pictures DO NOT do this top justice. Because it is black, it is not photographing well. It is beautiful. First they laid a cotton fabric (felt almost like a poplin) on the top, then a thin foam and then the vinyl. They pulled it tight and nailed it on. They trimmed it up evenly (very scientifically I might add!). Then a trim piece called "hide-em" was added. It has two ridges that come together in the middle that are pulled apart to put the nail in and then they come back together to hide the nail. This was a long process. Everything is done holding your arms up over your head. Chad came and helped, he said it was hard to get the hide-em opened up to allow for the nail. Here are some pictures of the top.

Notice the front section is not complete. They are working today on the canopy for over the front window....maybe visor is a better description of that piece.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
We're so glad when Grandpa comes!

She has slowly been put back together. First the left side,

then the right side,

In the above photo you can see the white protective paper has been removed from the fender. There is a vinyl beading that was stapled to the wood, it finishes the edge off.
Then the top,

so it isn't on in this picture, but it was by the time Grandpa arrived. The top is very heavy it takes two of them to hoist it up.
Here is what she looked like from the back when Grandpa arrived. It didn't take him long to get started working on her.

The side front doors need some work still.

Stay tuned, I'll be posting some more progress later tonight!