Sides complete and attached temorarily to the frame!
Check out the detail! All the trim was hand done, cut to fit and screwed on.
The front side door, and a close up to show off the details.
The inside of the front doors. See all the screws which hold all that molding and trim on. No glue used when applying the trim pieces.

Here is the beginnings of the roof. He has all the bows cut and is placing them. These pictures are a bit more difficult to see the detail.

This one is taken looking more through to the front.

*Note: Band clamps are a temporary feature just used to hold everything in place until it is properly attached.
And last of all Grandpa's little helpers, Ty-kell and Sophie.
WOW!!! We have quite the talented dad!! -I can't wait to see it all done-he got alot done while you were gone. . . he must of been lonely:)-(Probably just more excited to work on a fun project :)-NIce Job Dad